The choice of therapeutic/coaching techniques is individually tailored. It is based on the diagnosis, treatment plan, personality structure and goals of the person.
Therapy is educational: it promotes mental clarity, emotional intelligence, social skills and resilience. It also brings behavioral changes and an awareness of cultural differences in cross-cultural dilemmas.
Along with traditional techniques of effective communication and exploration of the unconscious through imagery, I also use, when appropriate, role-playing, EMDR, Stress Management, and other techniques of physiological and emotional self-regulation such as Biofeedback relaxation training, Yoga Nidra-Meditation and Integrative Restoration (iRest®) as well as somatically informed therapies.
These latest techniques are very effective for the treatment of a variety of stress-related pain disorders and facilitate peak performance.
I encourage patients to hold a journal to facilitate mindfulness and personal insight, it is also a tool to observe one’s progress.
Stress is a component of all aspects of life, and a reasonable level of stress is a stimulating aspect in one’s life. Everything depends on how the person will perceive and learn to manage the stressful situations. The goal of stress management is to modulate the effects of stress through a variety of techniques.
shows your body-mind responses to stressful or relaxing situations in an objective way. This tool can be used to identify your response to situations or thoughts that are a source of stress and where you respond by being upset.
By learning relaxation and self-regulating skills and then practicing them as you focus on the cause of stress, you can change your body’s habitual reactions, desensitize yourself and recover faster. Instead of feeling powerless over situations you can learn to choose your response and feeling more in charge and with a broader horizon.
The method of HeartMath is a biofeedback tool, very easy to use, based on heart rate variability. It is a very popular and successful tool to reach inner balance between heart and mind.
is an innovative method of psychotherapy originally developed in 1989 for victims of trauma, abuse, and anxiety.
The focus of EMDR treatment is the resolution of emotional distress arising from difficult childhood experiences, or the recovery from the effects of critical incidents, such as automobile accidents, assault, natural disasters, and combat trauma. Other problems treated with EMDR are phobias, panic attacks, distress in children, and substance abuse.
An innovative focus of EMDR is performance enhancement: which aims to improve the functioning of people at work, in sports, and in performing arts. I have advanced training in the method. See or
Why incorporate EMDR with conventional talk therapy?
EMDR tends to process and work through trauma and overwhelming experiences more rapidly than traditional talk therapy. When an experience is overwhelming, normal processing of the experience does not occur, and it becomes frozen in time. Subsequently, when the memory is triggered, negative thoughts and feelings can occur and the person becomes overwhelmed.
Many people are helped by traditional talk therapy, but the trauma is understood and worked through intellectually. Nevertheless, the trauma often continues to permeate the person’s life on a gut level. Although people can intellectually process the trauma, it still feels bad. The goal of EMDR is lessen or eliminate the gut level hold or grab that these experiences have in the present.
Yoga Nidra, Integrative Restoration (iRest®)
also called Meditation Yoga Nidra is a modality of Self-exploration that helps develop either systematic awareness of body-feelings-mind states or activities, and, or unmatched way to experience the culmination of the art of yoga, and its deeper physical, emotional, and spiritual rewards.
This method can be taught to be used at home for self-healing. Yoga Nidra can lead to lasting psychological and physical healing. It helps releasing long-held negative beliefs that give rise to self-destructive patterns. When used in conjunction with self-inquiry, for people inclined to meditation, it helps them to reconnect with the feeling of serenity and oneness of the true intuitive nature.
was developed by Roberto Assagioli, a colleague of Carl Jung.. It addresses the actualization of human potentialities and the realization of the Self. It is not simply a model of pathology and treatment, but a developmental approach which can help guide a person to understand the meaning of their human life within the broad context of synthesis –the drive towards the harmonization of all relationships, whether intrapersonal (within Self), or interpersonal or ecological. See
is a theory of treatment that assumes that a human being is constituted of a complex network of physiological, cognitive, emotional and spiritual systems. These systems are intimately interrelated through reciprocal communication and are embedded in larger human and ecological systems as they constantly exchange information.
Thus changes to one system impact all of the other systems in either healing or destructive ways. We live in many systems, such as the home environment, work environment, ecological systems, social or political environment, socio-economic, cultural, cross cultural or religious/spiritual environment. We are also impacted by these systems consciously and at the subconscious level.
We can react differently in one environment compared to another; therefore, we may feel we can be ourselves in a certain setting and feel totally drained in another one.